We're so lucky to live where we do, in close proximity to the beautiful Oast Farm shop & Cafe with PYO fruit in their orchards. We often take a stroll down the public footpath to get there in about 10 minutes from our house.

We enjoy the walk as part of our outing; spotting bugs, badger setts and rabbit holes all while dodging the nettles and prickles (Kalyan loves to bash them and hold them out of the way with whichever stick he finds that day).

I've also recently taught the kids about the joys of sticky willows! Hehe.

It's added a whole new level of entertainment to our walks!
We also recently discovered some wild raspberries on the path! The twins LOVE foraging for fruit - brambles in particular so finding raspberries was very exciting for them, even though they're tiny!
It's such a lovely path and turns the most beautiful colour in autumn too. I'm always taking photos down here, I have a whole series of Priya climbing over the stile inspired by a photo of me as a toddler taken by my Dad. I'll put them all together one day!

It makes for a great nature trail too, I took all these photos in July...