Another one that's just made for me - details! I love details - they are perfect for telling stories and recording the little things that matter. I haven't taken a specific shot for this month but since I always take detail shots I'm going to share a few different ones from the last few weeks, months and years. I'll try not to go overboard! ;)
When it comes to portraits, I tend to go for the more unconventional shots anyway (not the usual smile at the camera style) and one of my favourites is to go for the faceless portrait which really makes the viewer pay attention to the details!
When Priya made her own laptop and ID badge when she was Mummy (playing Mums & Dads)
Today I'm sharing some recent detail shots as well as some of my old favourites!
The older ones have stood the test of time, I often have favourites when I take new photos but they don't always stay favourites as time passes. All of these ones below are absolute keepers for what will one day be my ultimate album of memories, when my kids are grown and gone, these are the photos that I know will take me right back to remember their little features and magical moments like when Kalyan first learned to blow bubbles...
And of course there are macro details too which I've always had a soft spot for, even back in my pre-kids days of being a landscape photographer I was often on the hunt for mushrooms and insects! Here are a couple of recent ones from my garden and our local woodland path...
And of course there are some favourite details from client sessions too! The main reason I offer family sessions is to give other families those same precious shots of their own kids before they grow and change...
Next up in the loop is the awesomely talented Ann Owen who specialises in stunning newborn and breastfeeding photos, go and check out her beautiful details here: