I am loving learning my new skill of film-making. Something I dabbled with in the past but with barely any knowledge, I decided to take a course (or two) and really delve into this branch of camera work and try to improve. It's a lot of fun and although they may not be perfect, I'm pretty proud of the little films I've been making.
I set out with Easter Sunday in mind for my first film with some new ideas and specific skills I'd learnt and recently finished an edit creating a lovely film of family memories of a day well spent with pancakes, an egg hunt and Sunday roast with a side of fizz! :)
For my next film I had to record the crazy weather we had on 1st May - I recorded a few clips and strung them together with some photos of the epic skies and have a whole blog post dedicated to our changeable weather on that weird day too.
My favourite film so far is actually not about capturing memories or even storytelling per se. This was something I was inspired to do after watching Zoe Wittering's course via the online Thrive & Shine summit by Phlock. I had some vague ideas about what I'd like to do and started looking up ideas for music and when I heard this track (found via my MUSICBED licensing subscription), I instantly had to grab my camera and head outside in our garden and country lane for a few minutes in the rain! I loved creating this and have watched it back myself so many times as well as sharing it with a few people I thought would appreciate a minute and a half to de-stress and enjoy a bit of nature. I hope it works for you too :)
Let me know what you think of it.
I will be making more of these so if you like it, please do subscribe to my Vimeo page or follow me on Instagram where I also share them to IGTV.